Zelzate Formation

The information on this page is a summary description.
The full formal description is available here: Zelzate Formation

Parent unit Formal
Child units Tongeren Group
Lithological description Bassevelde Member, Watervliet Member, Ruisbroek Member
Age This marine unit starts with a dark grey, moderately fine, silty sand, glauconiferous and micaceous, with intercalations of thick lenses of grey clay; it is covered by dark green, sandy clay. The top is formed by green grey sands, rich in fos-sils, with large sandstone concretions.
Thickness Early Priabonian to Early Oligocene.
Area of occurrence Probably 25 to 30 m, decreasing to the east.
Type locality Northern part of East-Flanders and the Antwerpen Province till the area between the Nete and the Demer rivers.
Alternative names
Date Jacobs (1975, 1978), Jacobs & Vandenberghe (1988)
Cite as Laga, P., Louwye S. & Geets, S., 2001. The Zelzate Formation, 01/01/2001. National Commission for Stratigraphy Belgium. http://ncs.naturalsciences.be/lithostratigraphy/Zelzate-Formation


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